Seminars and Videos
Below you will find seminars and videos featuring Hong Kong coral, restoration and conservation efforts, and more.
RTHK 香港電台
水、能量、有機物質,是生物生存的基本要素。有科學家推測,海洋可能是地球上最早有生命誕生的地方。 雖然東平洲亞媽灣的珊瑚覆蓋率是全香港最高,但隨着氣候變暖,水温上升,珊瑚白化的危機仍然潛伏。今集主持會跟隨海洋生物學家潛入海中,一起探望這個美麗而脆弱的水底世界。 大海不僅蘊藏豐富的生命,更啟發人無窮無盡的創作。「西頁海藝術節 」以嶄新的視角去遊歴西貢島嶼,透過藝術品,展現各島嶼的歷史、文化、古蹟以及自然景觀的美。
Online webinar
Breakout Session 4:
Building Resilience through Biodiversity Conservation
Online webinar
A short presentation and Q&A with two of Hong Kong's marine conservation experts. Featuring presentations by Apple Pui Yi Chui, 2019 Pew Marine Fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Stan Shea, 2023 Pew Marine Fellow, BLOOM Association Hong Kong and ADM Capital Foundation; and Nate Fedrizzi, The Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, The Pew Charitable Trust.
RTHK 香港電台
From childhood adventures of fishing and crabbing with her parents and older brother to diving and conserving nature with her research team, Dr Chui Pui-yi, a Research Assistant Professor of School of Life Sciences at CUHK, is driven by a deep love for the ocean. She dedicates herself to studying the restoration and cultivation of local corals, with the aim of reviving the vibrant colors of Hong Kong's underwater world. With a seamless blend of wetsuits and lab coats, oxygen tanks, and microscopes, Dr Chui and her passionate young research team took part on a groundbreaking mission. After successfully achieving Hong Kong's first artificial sexual reproduction of corals, they now delve into innovative techniques to unravel the secrets of coral growth mechanisms. Corals are extremely sensitive to their living environment and have an exceptionally slow growth rate. Overcoming these hurdles requires passion and perseverance. The research team works tirelessly day and night, disregarding weather conditions. Drawing from international experiences and utilising advanced instruments, they have made significant breakthroughs in recent years, witnessing the gradual success of their restoration project. "Corals need to be tough!" "Grow faster, corals!" With a maternal concern evident in her care for the baby corals, Dr Chui is also a mother herself. Balancing the demanding task of nurturing her juvenile corals with the nighttime anticipation of her two-year-old child waiting for her at home, Dr Chiu constantly contemplates the choices she faces as a woman. In the face of global warming and the consequences of extreme weather events, rising water temperatures and powerful typhoons pose a threat to the critical threshold for coral survival. The team collaborates with various stakeholders, rallying support even from the smallest of water tanks, in their determined efforts to strengthen local coral restoration. However, the future of conservation endeavors remains challenging, with increasing difficulties worldwide. "Coral Mama" Dr Chui and her companions tirelessly guard the ocean, witnessing not only the growth of corals but also their own personal transformation amid the ebb and flow of tides.
漁農自然護理署 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
香港今年夏季是有記錄以來最熱嘅高溫,導致部分珊瑚群落出現唔同程度嘅白化現象。想了解更多有關今次珊瑚白化嘅原因及影響?以及現時香港珊瑚群落嘅健康狀況? 12月10號 (星期六) 漁護署就喺太空館演講廳舉行左《與科學家對話系列》講座。 今次邀請到香港浸會大學 邱建文教授 以及香港中文大學崔佩怡博士 同大家分享今次珊瑚白化生態調查嘅監察結果。
漁農自然護理署 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
近年全球暖化,加上沿海城市發展、水質污染等,全球唔少珊瑚礁都正面對相當嚴峻嘅挑戰。為左保護有「海中熱帶雨林」之稱嘅珊瑚礁,科學家近年都努力嘗試以「珊瑚復修」技術來協助受損嘅珊瑚生態系統慢慢復原。到底研究人員籌劃珊瑚復修時會考慮咩「一籃子」因素? 海外又有咩成功例子值得我哋借鏡?最重要係熱心海洋保育嘅每一位又可以點樣參與珊瑚保育? 關注珊瑚保育嘅朋友記得參加我哋今次《與科學家對話系列》講座喇~ 我哋今次十分榮幸邀請到人稱「珊瑚媽媽」嘅香港中文大學研究助理教授 崔佩怡博士 同大家分享國際以及香港嘅珊瑚復修研究。
香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum